National / Long-term Visas

Visa, © Colourbox
National visas are issued for long-term stays for a particular purpose. Usually issued for 90 days, in rare occassions it may be issued for up to a year. After entering Germany, visa holders must apply for a residence permit.
General Information on Visa Application
You should start preparing your application as soon as you have plans to stay long term in Germany. The entire visa application process can take several months.
Who can apply
The German Embassy can only accept applications if you have your usual place of residence in Uganda or South Sudan holding a valid residence permit. If this is not the case, you are unfortunately not eligible to apply and your appointment will be cancelled.
Applications must be submitted in person and may not be submitted by courier, regular post, fax or e-mail. Please note that only complete applications will be accepted.
Please fill in the visa application form here.
Please make an appointment to submit your filled-in and printed application via the online appointment booking system unless you will submit your application online through the consular service portal. You will find more information in the visa categories where it is applicable.
The online appointment booking system is free of charge. You must make the appointment yourself or through a trusted person. The booking options are the same for everyone. Agencies and other facilitators do not have any special or preferential access to the appointment booking system, even if they claim otherwise. Offers which advertise this are not trustworthy and are ultimately responsible for making the appointment situation worse for everyone.
Verification of Ugandan documents
During the processing of your visa application, the verification of your Ugandan documents might be necessary. Please find more information on the page verification of ugandan documents.
Please do not send any documents to the Visa Section unless you received a request to do so. Always bring the complete documentation with you to your appointment.
Data Protection
Please take note of the information on data protection during the visa application process in accordance with Art. 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation).
Family Reunion
If you wish to apply for a long term visa for family reunion, you have to submit the documents as indicated below depending on the purpose of your visa application (joining a spouse, family reunion for children or joining a child residing in Germany).
The fee for a visa for the purpose of family reunion is the equivalent of 75 Euro. The fee must be paid in cash, in Uganda Shillings upon application. For spouses of German or EU-citizens, parents of a German or EU-minor, children of a German or EU-national under 18 years or children under the age of six years the visa fee is waived.
You need to apply for this visa if you want to join your spouse in Germany.
Please compile the documents you need to submit with your application. If documents or supporting documents are missing, your application may be rejected.
Please note that documents not written in German, English or French language need to be translated by an offcial translator in Germany first.
Please submit the following documents in original and one copy as indicated below:
Original documents:
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- A valid passport with at least two blank pages and valid for at least another six months (please ensure that your passport is signed) with one copy of the passport including bio data page and the page with the passport file number
- One recent passport photograph according to biometric specifications (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) not older than six months, bright (white) background
Original and one copy:
- Marriage certificate, if applicable divorce papers in case of previous marriage
In case of religious marriage: Proof of registration from the registrar’s office of the country where the marriage took place - If the marriage took place in another country than the country of origin: Proof of civil status before the marriage from the competent authority of the country of origin
- Birth certificate of the applicant
- Proof of valid travel insurance, if joining the German statutory/national/private or family health insurance is not possible before arrival in Germany
- Current residence registration certificate of your spouse
- Copy of the passport or ID-Card of your spouse
- Copy of the residence permit if your spouse is not a German national
- Proof of the German language knowledge according to the level A1 e.g a Language Certificate “Start 1 Deutsch” from the Goethe Institut, not older than one year. In Uganda the competent authority is the Goethe-Zentrum. The certificate is not required if your spouse is an EU national who does not have the German nationality and resides in Germany. For further exceptions please see here.
Important Notes:
Please note that each visa application is reviewed individually. Therefore, the requested documents may vary. The German Embassy reserves the right to ask for additional documents. The submission of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. Applicants may, at any time, be asked for a personal interview. Submission of incomplete documentation or refusal to attend the mandatory visa interview will result in a refusal of your visa application. Once a visa has been issued, the purpose of the trip may not be altered.
It takes approximately three to six months to process your visa application. We strongly recommend that you do not purchase an airline ticket unless the visa has been granted. We kindly ask that no status requests on the visa application be made during the first three months. We will notify the applicant on any change of status or progress of the application as soon as possible and whenever the need arises.
If you intend to get married to a German national or a person living permanently in Germany (or establish a civil union) and consequently want to live together in Germany, you have to apply for a residence visa (long term) for intended marriage / establishment of a civil union in Germany.
Please compile the documents you need to submit with your application. If documents or supporting documents are missing, your application may be rejected.
Please note that documents not written in German, English or French language need to be translated by an offcial translator in Germany first.
Please submit the following documents in original and one copy as indicated below:
Original documents:
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- A valid passport with at least two blank pages and valid for at least another six months (please ensure that your passport is signed) with one copy of the passport including bio data page and the page with the passport file number
- One recent passport photographs according to biometric specifications (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) not older than six months, bright (white) background
Original and one copy:
- A written confirmation issued by the competent Registrar’s office in Germany that all necessary requirements for the marriage/establishment of the civil union to take place have been met; including a time frame/date. Upon application it is sufficient to prove that this procedure has been started.
- Marital Status Letter of Ugandan applicant from URSB (not older than six months), if applicable divorce papers.
- International Language Certificate A1 from the Goethe-Institut, not older than one year. In Uganda the competent authority is the Goethe-Zentrum.
- Birth certificate of the applicant
One copy:
- Current residence registration certificate of your fiancé(e)
- Copy of the fiancé(e)’s passport or ID
- Copy of the residence permit if the person to be married / to establish the civil union with is not a German national
- Proof of valid travel insurance, if joining the German statutory/national/private or family health insurance is not possible before entering Germany
Important Notes:
Please note that each visa application is reviewed individually. Therefore, the requested documents may vary. The German Embassy reserves the right to ask for additional documents. The submission of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. Applicants may, at any time, be asked for a personal interview. Submission of incomplete documentation or refusal to attend the mandatory visa interview will result in a refusal of your visa application. Once a visa has been issued, the purpose of the trip may not be altered.
It takes approximately three to six months to process your visa application. We strongly recommend that you do not purchase an airline ticket unless the visa has been granted. We kindly ask that no status requests on the visa application be made during the first three months. We will notify the applicant on any change of status or progress of the application as soon as possible and whenever the need arises.
You need to apply for this visa if your child shall join family residing in Germany.
Please compile the documents you need to submit with your application. If documents or supporting documents are missing, your application may be rejected.
Please note that documents not written in German, English or French language need to be translated by an offcial translator in Germany first.
Please submit the following documents in original and one copy as indicated below:
Original documents:
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- A valid passport with at least two blank pages and valid for at least another six months (please ensure that your passport is signed) with one copy of the passport including bio data page and the page with the passport file number
- One recent passport photographs according to biometric specifications (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) not older than six months, bright (white) background
Original and one copy:
- Birth certificate of the applicant
- Current residence registration certificate of the parents in Germany
- If applicable: marriage certificate for the parents (see above)
- If the child wishes to join only one parent please provide one of the following:
- valid court order for custody including the grounds on which the judgment is based
- Other similar proof of the sole right of custody
- Death certificate of the other parent who exercised custody over the child
- If applicable: acknowledgement of paternity
- If the applicant is 16 years old or older: Language Certificate “C 1” from the Goethe Institut. In Uganda the competent authority is the Goethe-Zentrum.
One copy:
- Copy of the parent(s)´ passport(s) with a copy of the residence permit(s) – if applicable
Important Notes:
Please note that each visa application is reviewed individually. Therefore, the requested documents may vary. The German Embassy reserves the right to ask for additional documents. The submission of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. Applicants may, at any time, be asked for a personal interview. Submission of incomplete documentation or refusal to attend the mandatory visa interview will result in a refusal of your visa application. Once a visa has been issued, the purpose of the trip may not be altered.
It takes approximately three to six months to process your visa application. We strongly recommend that you do not purchase an airline ticket unless the visa has been granted. We kindly ask that no status requests on the visa application be made during the first three months. We will notify the applicant on any change of status or progress of the application as soon as possible and whenever the need arises.
You need to apply for this visa if you are a mother or father and your child lives in Germany. It also applies if the parent wants to move to Germany together with the child.
Please compile the documents you need to submit with your application. If documents or supporting documents are missing, your application may be rejected.
Please note that documents not written in German, English or French language need to be translated by an offcial translator in Germany first.
Please submit the following documents in original and one copy as indicated below:
Original documents:
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- A valid passport with at least two blank pages and valid for at least another six months (please ensure that your passport is signed) with one copy of the passport including bio data page and the page with the passport file number
- One recent passport photographs according to biometric specifications (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) not older than six months, bright (white) background
Original and one copy:
- Birth certificate of the child or acknowledgement of paternity before child is born and proof of pregnancy by doctor
- Proof of German nationality or residence status of the child (if applicable – German passport, acknowledgement of paternity, marriage certificate of parents)
- Current residence registration certificate of the child/the parents in Germany
- Proof of custody (if applicable – marriage certificate or valid custody order). If only one parents exercises custody over the child, please provide one of the following:
- valid court order for custody including the grounds on which the judgment is based
- Other similar proof of the sole right of custody
- Death certificate of the other parent who exercised custody over the child
Important Notes:
Please note that each visa application is reviewed individually. Therefore, the requested documents may vary. The German Embassy reserves the right to ask for additional documents. The submission of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. Applicants may, at any time, be asked for a personal interview. Submission of incomplete documentation or refusal to attend the mandatory visa interview will result in a refusal of your visa application. Once a visa has been issued, the purpose of the trip may not be altered.
It takes approximately three to six months to process your visa application. We strongly recommend that you do not purchase an airline ticket unless the visa has been granted. We kindly ask that no status requests on the visa application be made during the first three months. We will notify the applicant on any change of status or progress of the application as soon as possible and whenever the need arises.
You need to apply for this visa if you want to join your spouse in Germany.
The competent authority for visa applications from citizens from Eritrea or Somalia is the German Embassy in Nairobi. The German Embassy in Kampala can only accept applications if your usual abode is in Uganda or South Sudan. This is usually supposed if you have lived in Uganda or South Sudan for more than 6 months with a valid residence permit. If this is not the case, you are not eligible to apply in Kampala.
Please compile the documents you need to submit with your application. If documents or supporting documents are missing, your application may be rejected.
Documents not issued in English or German: A notarised translation of the original document into German must be obtained. The translation must be submitted in the original with one additional copy.
Please compile the documents you need to submit with your application. If documents or supporting documents are missing, your application may be rejected.
Please note that documents not written in German, English or French language need to be translated by an offcial translator in Germany first.
Please submit the following documents in original and one copy as indicated below:
Required documents:
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- One recent passport photographs according to biometric specifications (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) not older than six months, bright (white) background
- A valid passport with at least two blank pages and valid for at least another six months (please ensure that your passport is signed) with one copy of the passport including bio data page and the page with the passport file number.
- One copy of passport of the family member in Germany
- One copy of residence permit of the family member in Germany
- One copy of current residence registration certificate
- One copy of notification of recognition from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) for the family member in Germany, including incontestability notice – called: “Bescheid”
- If represented by someone else, e.g. a lawyer or carer: power of attorney in duplicate required
- Visa Fee: 75 Euros (37,50 Euros for minors under the age of 18) (fee payable in Ugandan Shillings ONLY; converted at the current exchange rate used by the Embassy cash office)
- Proof of habitual abode in Uganda (Proof of Registration (POR) from UNHCR or proof of habitual abode in Uganda in the original plus one copy – please note: habitual abode is usually assumed in the case of six months proven residence in Uganda)
- Birth certificate; original plus one copy
- Proof that the application process was started before the deadline – one copy if an initial application was made to meet the deadline (“fristwahrende Anzeige”)
- Only for Eritrean Citizens:
- Baptism certificate; original plus one copy
- Eritrean ID card plus one copy of both the front and the back
- Final legislation (Überbeglaubigung) of all Eritrean documents such as birth/death/marriage certificates
a) Subsequent immigration of spouses
- If married at a registry office: original marriage certificate plus one copy
- If married in a religious ceremony or under customary law: proof of religious/customary marriage; original with one copy AND original registration of the marriage with one copy
- Proof of the German language knowledge according to the level A1 e.g a Language Certificate “Start 1 Deutsch” from the Goethe Institut, not older than one year. In Uganda the competent authority is the Goethe-Zentrum. The certificate is not required if your spouse is an EU national who does not have the German nationality and resides in Germany. For further exceptions please see here.
b) Subsequent immigration of children
- Proof of marriage of the parents, as in a)
- Proof of custody, if both parents cannot sign or agree (e.g. death certificate in the original plus one copy OR custody order in the original plus one copy.)
c) Subsequent immigration to join a recognised minor refugee
- Proof of marriage, as in a)
- Birth certificate of the child; original plus one copy
Important Notes:
Please note that each visa application is reviewed individually. Therefore, the requested documents may vary. The German Embassy reserves the right to ask for additional documents, such as certificates, language certificates, DNA reports, age tests, etc.
The submission of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. Applicants may, at any time, be asked for a personal interview. Submission of incomplete documentation or refusal to attend the mandatory visa interview will result in a refusal of your visa application. Once a visa has been issued, the purpose of the trip may not be altered.
It takes approximately three to six months to process your visa application. We strongly recommend that you do not purchase an airline ticket unless the visa has been granted. We kindly ask that no status requests on the visa application be made during the first three months. We will notify the applicant on any change of status or progress of the application as soon as possible and whenever the need arises.
Note: Nationals of a Member State of the European Union other than Germany, of another country belonging to the EEA / European Economic Area (i.e. Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway), or of Switzerland enjoy freedom of movement. They can move to Germany to work or study there. Family Members who come to Germany with such nationals or subsequently join them in Germany have the same right to freedom of movement, even if they do not originate from the EU, the EEA or Switzerland. Certain conditions apply.
If you wish to apply for a long term visa for family reunion to your spouse of EU/EEA nationality other than German, you have to submit the documents as indicated below depending on the purpose of your visa application.
Please make sure to review the requirements carefully and adhere to them, as this will save you valuable time and effort throughout the visa application process.
Please note that documents not written in German, English or French language need to be translated by an offcial translator first.
Generally we kindly request everbody to use our appointment booking system. However, if there is as long waiting times for appointments, we can set up special appointments for family members of a EU / EEA citizen (not German). Please send your request for a special appointment directly to the Visa Office by email. Please enclose proof that your spouse / your caregiver is of appropriate nationality and lives in Germany (copy of passport, registration certificate).
Family Reunion for Spouses
You need to apply for this visa if you want to join your spouse of EU/EEA nationality (not German) in Germany.
Please submit the following documents in original and one copies as indicated below:
Original documents:
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- A valid passport with at least two blank pages and valid for at least another six months (please ensure that your passport is signed) with one copy of the passport including bio data page and the page with the passport file number
- One recent passport photographs according to biometric specifications (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) not older than six months, bright (white) background
Original and one copy:
- Marriage certificate or marital status letter (not older than 6 months), if applicable divorce papers in case of previous marriage (latter one applies both to Ugandan and third country nationals)
- Birth certificate of the applicant
- Invitation letter indicating the address where the applicant will stay together with the spouse
One copy:
- Copy of your spouse’s passport or ID-Card
- If applicable: your spouse’s registration in Germany (Meldebescheinigung)
- If applicable: Proof of occupation of your spouse in Germany
Family Reunion for Children
You need to apply for this visa if a child is supposed to join one or both parent(s) of EU/EEA nationality (not German) in Germany.
Please submit the following documents in original and two copies as indicated below:
Original documents:
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- A valid passport with at least two blank pages and valid for at least another six months (please ensure that your passport is signed) with one copy of the passport including bio data page and the page with the passport file number
- One recent passport photographs according to biometric specifications (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) not older than six months, bright (white) background
Original and one copy:
- Birth certificate of the applicant
- Invitation letter by the parent(s) in Germany the address where the applicant will stay together
- Marriage certificate for the parents or acknowledgment of paternity
- If the child wishes to join only one parent please provide one of the following concerning the custody:
- Valid court order for custody including the grounds on which the judgment is based
- Other similar proof of the sole right of custody
- Death certificate of the other parent who exercised custody over the child
One copy:
- Copy of the parent(s)’ passport(s)
- If applicable: a copy of his/her/their residence permit(s) and registration in Germany (Meldebescheinigung)
- If applicable: Proof of occupation of parent(s) in Germany
Joining a Child residing in Germany
You need to apply for this visa if you are a mother or a father and want to join your child of EU/EEA nationality (not German) in Germany. It also applies if the parent wants to move to Germany together with the child.
Please submit the following documents in original and one copy as indicated below:
Original documents:
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- A valid passport with at least two blank pages and valid for at least another six months (please ensure that your passport is signed) with one copy of the passport including bio data page and the page with the passport file number
- One recent passport photographs according to biometric specifications (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) not older than six months, bright (white) background
Original and one copy:
- Birth certificate of the applicant
- Marriage certificate for the parents or acknowledgment of paternity
- If the child wishes to join only one parent please provide one of the following concerning the custody:
- Valid court order for custody including the grounds on which the judgment is based
- Other similar proof of the sole right of custody
- Death certificate of the other parent who exercised custody over the child
One Copy:
- Copy of the passport or ID-Card of your Child
- Proof that either you pay alimony for your child or that your child pays alimony for you
- If applicable: your child’s registration in Germany (Meldebescheinigung)
- If applicable: Proof of occupation of Child in Germany
Important Notes:
Please note that each visa application is reviewed individually. Therefore, the requested documents may vary. The German Embassy reserves the right to ask for additional documents. The submission of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. Applicants may, at any time, be asked for a personal interview.
After the verification process is completed, the processing of the visa application takes usually about two weeks, unless there are further questions. We strongly recommend that you do not purchase an airline ticket unless the visa has been granted. We kindly ask that no status requests on the visa application be made during the first three months. We will notify the applicant on any change of status or progress of the application as soon as possible and whenever the need arises.
Since 1 August 2018, close family members (spouses, unmarried minor children and parents of minor children) of a person eligible for subsidiary protection living in Germany will be able to apply for a visa for the purpose of family reunion. Eligible family members can use the following link to register for an appointment to submit their visa application:
Applicants who have registered for an appointment for a family reunification visa with a person eligible for subsidiary protection living in Germany will be contacted by IOM – the UN Migration Agency in the framework of the Family Assistance Programme (FAP).
If you are uncertain if your appointment request is still valid or if you have changed contact details since the appointment booking (phone numbers and emails), you should register again with your new data or contact IOM:
T: +49 30 2902245500
Email: info.fap.de@iom.int
Please check your mail account (spam box included) regularly.
If you do not need to apply for a visa anymore, please cancel your registration or write an Email to the German Embassy Kampala using the following contact form.
Study, Research & Language Courses
If you would like to study or participate in a language course in Germany or if you are planning a research stay, you will need to apply for a long-term visa first. More information can be found here.
This is a visa for university students from countries outside the EU who wish to pursue their studies at a university in Germany.
The fee for a study visa is the equivalent of 75 Euro. The fee must be paid in cash, in Uganda Shillings upon application.
Please compile all the required documents you need to submit with your online application (see checklist below). Incomplete applications delay the process and can result in your application being rejected. So please try to submit your application in full, that is, with all required documents. The visa section reserves the right to request further documents. Please note that flight reservations are not required to apply for a visa – please only book when you have received your visa.
The application will be submitted online via the consular service portal of the Federal Office.
We kindly ask that no status requests on the visa application be made. We will notify the applicant on any change of status or progress of the application as soon as possible and whenever the need arises.
Please submit the following documents in original and one copy as indicated below:
Original documents:
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- A valid passport with at least two blank pages and valid for at least another six months (please ensure that your passport is signed) with one copy of the passport including bio data page and the page with the passport file number
- One recent passport photographs according to biometric specifications (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) not older than six months, bright (white) background
Original and one copy:
- Approval notification/acceptance letter by a German university or preparatory college (with fixed dates/duration)*
- Proof of German language knowledge or admission letter issued by any German language school in Germany (if lectures are being held in German language), otherwise a confirmation from the university that the lectures will be held in the English language
- Proof of a diploma from a Secondary School qualifying for university admission and if applicable previous university certificates*
- Motivation letter explaining the reasons for your stay and your studies in Germany as well as their relevance for your future
- Curriculum Vitae of specifying the certificates, diplomas, etc. you have obtained
- Indication of anticipated place of residence (complete address), if available.
- Certificate of good conduct from Interpol, not older than three months
- Proof of health insurance valid from date of arrival and for the duration of stay in Germany (German Statutory/National or private health insurance)*
- Proof of financial means (minimum of Euro 992,- monthly as of September 1, 2024) – please provide one of the following:
- Award letter from a German scholarship awarding organisation stating the amount and duration of their support (DAAD, Inwent, etc)*
- Formal letter of obligation, according to section 66, 68 of the Aliens Act, from a resident of Germany for the duration of the applicant's stay in Germany
- A blocked account/limited-withdrawal bank account** at a German bank under the name of the visa-applicant showing a minimum amount of 11,904.- Euro as of September 1, 2024 (withdrawal limit of 992,- Euro as of September 1, 2024).
The blocked account can be presented upon notification from the Embassy that the other requirements for a study Visa are fulfilled. However the documents on the sponsor must be presented upon application. The visa will not be issued if the blocked account is not documented within one month of notification)
* For DAAD scholars specific requirements apply: Only those documents that are marked by a * need to be submitted for the visa application.
** When applying for visa, you can provide evidence that you are able to meet your living costs by opening a blocked bank account. Find more information in the next section.
- Kindly note that the Embassy will verify if the provided information and the submitted documents are complete. If your documents are complete, you will receive a confirmation that they have been submitted successfully. In case of missing documents, you will be informed via the online consular service portal.
- Thereafter you will be requested to book an appointment at the Embassy, where your identity will be verified, your original documents checked and your biometric data (fingerprints and photo) registered. Furthermore, you will have to pay the visa fee of 75 Euro payable in UGX.
Please note that the appointment at the Embassy will only be booked through the consular service portal and cannot be booked directly through the usual online appointment allocation system of the embassy.
Important Notes:
Please note that each visa application is reviewed individually. Therefore, the requested documents may vary. The German Embassy reserves the right to ask for additional documents. The submission of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. Applicants may, at any time, be asked for a personal interview. Submission of incomplete documentation or refusal to attend the mandatory visa interview will result in a refusal of your visa application. Once a visa has been issued, the purpose of the trip may not be altered.
This is a visa for applicants who wish to participate in a language course over three and under twelve months in Germany which is not intended as a preparatory course for university studies. Please note that the purpose of your stay cannot be altered (e.g. for studies) once the visa application has been made and your departure from Germany upon the expiry of your visa is mandatory.
The fee for a study visa is the equivalent of 75 Euro. The fee must be paid in cash, in Uganda Shillings upon application.
Please compile the documents you need to submit with your application. If documents or supporting documents are missing, your application may be rejected.
Please submit the following documents in original and one copy as indicated below:
Original documents:
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- A valid passport with at least two blank pages and valid for at least another six months (please ensure that your passport is signed) with one copy of the passport including bio data page and the page with the passport file number
- One recent passport photographs according to biometric specifications (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) not older than six months, bright (white) background
Original and one copy:
- Confirmation of enrolment at a language school (min. 18 hours of language course per week)
- Proof of acquired school diplomas, university degrees or other educational qualifications
- Motivation letter explaining the relevance of the language course for your future
- Proof of accommodation with indication of the address (Rental agreement/Student hostel, etc.)
- Proof of German language knowledge (e.g. certificate of German language courses you have participated in)
- Certificate of good conduct from Interpol, not older than three months
- Proof of health insurance valid from date of arrival and for the duration of stay in Germany (German statutory/national or private health insurance)
- Proof of sufficient financial means – please provide one of the following:
- Formal letter of obligation according to section 66, 68 of the Aliens Act, from a resident of Germany for the duration of the applicant’s stay in Germany
- Proof of sufficient own financial means to support your stay in Germany (e.g.: bank statement, certification of the employer, …) or proof of a blocked bank account* in Germany
*When applying for visa, you can provide evidence that you are able to meet your living costs by opening a blocked bank account. Find more information in the next section.
Important Notes:
Please note that each visa application is reviewed individually. Therefore, the requested documents may vary. The German Embassy reserves the right to ask for additional documents. The submission of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. Applicants may, at any time, be asked for a personal interview. Submission of incomplete documentation or refusal to attend the mandatory visa interview will result in a refusal of your visa application. Once a visa has been issued, the purpose of the trip may not be altered.
It takes approximately two to three months to process your visa application. We strongly recommend that you do not purchase an airline ticket unless the visa has been granted. We kindly ask that no status requests on the visa application be made during the first two months. We will notify the applicant on any change of status or progress of the application as soon as possible and whenever the need arises.
With a blocked account, you can provide evidence during the visa application process that you have adequate financial resources. Find more infrmation here.
It is recommended to apply for the opening of a blocked account as soon as the university has approved your application.
You have free choice of provider. If you decide to have a blocked account with e.g. Deutsche Bank, it can take up to 8 weeks between the certification of your signature on the opening application and the final confirmation of the opening by Deutsche Bank. Furthermore, please note that the transfer can also take some time. In order to ensure that the enrollment deadline of the language school/university is not missed and the visa application fails, the blocked account should always be opened as soon as possible.
Au Pair, Voluntary Work & Internship
If you would like to work as an au pair in Germany or would like to do voluntary service, you will find all the necessary information here.
This is a visa for applicants who have not completed their 27th year of age upon application and are at least 18 years of age wishing to work as an Au Pair in a host family in Germany.
The duration of an Au Pair stay must not exceed 12 months. The placement can be organized through an Au Pair agency or through a direct agreement between the host family and the Au Pair applicant.
The fee for an Au Pair visa is the equivalent of 75 Euro. The fee must be paid in cash, in Uganda Shillings upon application.
Please compile the documents you need to submit with your application. If documents or supporting documents are missing, your application may be rejected.
Please submit the following documents in original and one copy as indicated below:
Original documents:
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- A valid passport with at least two blank pages and valid for at least another six months (please ensure that your passport is signed) with one copy of the passport including bio data page and the page with the passport file number
- One recent passport photographs according to biometric specifications (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) not older than six months, bright (white) background
Original and one copy:
- Motivation letter (also showing the relevance of the Au Pair stay for your future plans)
- Au Pair contract of employment with the host family, that stipulates the Au Pair’s rights and duties (such as allowance of 280,- EUR minimum per month; 2 days of holiday per month, max. working hours of 30 hours per week and 6 hours per day; health insurance, participation in a German language course), host family speaks German as a mother tongue
- Proof of German language knowledge according to Level A1, e.g. International A1 certificate (SD1)
- School or university certificates, proof of current occupation
- Certificate of good conduct from Interpol, not older than three months
- Proof of health insurance valid from date of arrival and for the duration of stay in Germany (German statutory/national or private health insurance)
- Extended Register Certificate of the host family (erweiterte Meldebescheinigung)
- Filled-in questionnaire by the host family. The questionnaire (“Fragebogen”) can be found here
Important Notes:
Please note that each visa application is reviewed individually. Therefore, the requested documents may vary. The German Embassy reserves the right to ask for additional documents. The submission of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. Applicants may, at any time, be asked for a personal interview. Submission of incomplete documentation or refusal to attend the mandatory visa interview will result in a refusal of your visa application. Once a visa has been issued, the purpose of the trip may not be altered.
It takes approximately two to three months to process your visa application. We strongly recommend that you do not purchase an airline ticket unless the visa has been granted. We kindly ask that no status requests on the visa application be made during the first two months. We will notify the applicant on any change of status or progress of the application as soon as possible and whenever the need arises.
This is a visa for applicants who wish to do volunteer services in Germany.
The fee for the visa is the equivalent of 75 Euro. The fee must be paid in cash, in Uganda Shillings upon application.
Please compile the documents you need to submit with your application. If documents or supporting documents are missing, your application may be rejected.
Please submit the following documents in original and one copy as indicated below:
Original documents:
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- A valid passport with at least two blank pages and valid for at least another six months (please ensure that your passport is signed) with one copy of the passport including bio data page and the page with the passport file number
- One recent passport photographs according to biometric specifications (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) not older than six months, bright (white) background
Original and one copy:
- Motivation letter showing the relevance of your work as a volunteer for your future career
- Curriculum Vitae of professional career, specifying the certificates, diplomas, etc. you have obtained including your high-school diploma, experience in volunteer work, …
- Contract/Agreement with the authority responsible for your volunteer service in Germany including the relevant information on accommodation and sufficient means of subsistence.
- If you intend to work with the Bundesfreiwilligendienst the contract needs to be signed by the Bundesamt für Familie und zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben (Federal Ministry for Family and Civil Society Tasks), your assigned working place, the central office and the agency responsible for the volunteer service programme.
- If you intend to participate in the programmes Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (Voluntary social year) or Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr (Voluntary ecological year) the contract needs to be signed by you, the respective agency and – if applicable – your assigned working place.
- Birth certificate
- Proof of health insurance valid from date of arrival and for the duration of stay in Germany (German statutory/national or private health insurance)
- Proof of German language knowledge or a confirmation by your assigned working place that knowledge of the German language can be acquired upon arrival
- Certificate of good conduct from Interpol, not older than three months
Important Notes:
Please note that each visa application is reviewed individually. Therefore, the requested documents may vary. The German Embassy reserves the right to ask for additional documents. The submission of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. Applicants may, at any time, be asked for a personal interview. Submission of incomplete documentation or refusal to attend the mandatory visa interview will result in a refusal of your visa application. Once a visa has been issued, the purpose of the trip may not be altered.
It takes approximately two to three months to process your visa application. We strongly recommend that you do not purchase an airline ticket unless the visa has been granted. We kindly ask that no status requests on the visa application be made during the first two months. We will notify the applicant on any change of status or progress of the application as soon as possible and whenever the need arises.
In order to apply for a visa for voluntary service, au pair or internship, you must first register for an appointment on the appointment waiting list of the German Embassy to schedule an appointment. Please follow the link to the appointment booking system. After you have registered on the waiting list, you will receive a confirmation email. The embassy will confirm your precise appointment (date and time) in a separate email as soon as possible. However this can take several weeks. A printout of the booking confirmation must be carried with you to the appointment.
Due to extremly high demand, the waiting time for an appointment in the category Volunteer Service/Au-Pair/Internship is currently more than 1 year. You will be informed about the confirmed appointment approx. 4-5 weeks before the actual appointment. We kindly ask you to refrain from any enquiry in that regard.
As soon as you receive the booking confirmation, you have to fill out and print out the application form and the instructions in accordance with Section 54 of the Residence Act. The printouts and all other required documents (please refer to checklist below) must be brought to your appointment.
The application form can be filled out electronically here.
Important Information:
Please make sure that you enter your data completely and correctly both when registering on the waiting list and when filling in the application form. Even minor errors can lead to the rejection of the application or considerable delays. Please note that you will not get access to the visa section if your personal data provided during registration does not match your documents.
Please do not send any documents to the visa office without being asked – especially not before you apply. These documents cannot be kept and/or assigned here. Please always bring complete documents with you to the appointment.
Employment, Opportunity Card & Blue Card (EU)
Foreign nationals that want to work in Germany must either apply for a visa to take up work, for which an employment contract must have been concluded already, or a visa to look for work, which does not require this.
The Blue Card (EU) is a residence title that can be issued by a member state of the European Union. This card allows third-country nationals with a university or tertiary education degree or IT professional experience to take up gainful employment in an EU member state – provided that the relevant requirements are met.
The opportunity card is a new feature in the German Residence Act allowing eligible people to come to Germany to look for a job. As well as looking for a job, successful applicants can also take part in additional training for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications in Germany.
Details on the respective requirements can be found below.
This is a visa for applicants who wish to work in Germany. More information about the Skilled Immigration Act and answers to the most frequently asked questions about moving to and taking up employment in Germany as a skilled worker can be found here and in the FAQs.
Qualified professionals in terms of the skilled immigration Act may find helpful information on the website Make it in Germany.
The fee for this visa is the equivalent of 75 Euro. The fee must be paid in cash, in Uganda Shillings upon application.
Please compile all the required documents you need to submit with your online application (see checklist below). Incomplete applications delay the process and can result in your application being rejected. So please try to submit your application in full, that is, with all required documents. The visa section reserves the right to request further documents. Please note that flight reservations are not required to apply for a visa – please only book when you have received your visa.
The application will be submitted online via the consular service portal of the Federal Office.
We kindly ask that no status requests on the visa application be made. We will notify the applicant on any change of status or progress of the application as soon as possible and whenever the need arises.
Please submit the following documents in original and one copy as indicated below:
Original documents:
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- A valid passport with at least two blank pages and valid for at least another six months (please ensure that your passport is signed) with one copy of the passport including bio data page and the page with the passport file number
- One recent passport photograph according to biometric specifications (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) not older than six months, bright (white) background
Original and one copy:
- Motivation letter showing the relevance of your work for your future career
- Curriculum Vitae of professional career, specifying the certificates, diplomas, etc. you have obtained including your high-school diploma, experience in volunteer work, …
- Working certificates concerning your present and last workplaces (approx. 3 years)
- Declaration by a potential employer (“Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis”) filled and signed by the potential employer. Additionally, contract/agreement with the company responsible for your work in Germany including the relevant information on accommodation and sufficient means of subsistence, working time, duration of contract.
- Birth certificate
- Proof of health insurance valid from date of arrival and for the duration of stay in Germany (German statutory/national or private health insurance). To be presented upon information that the visa is approved
- Proof of German language knowledge or a confirmation by your assigned working place that knowledge of the German language can be acquired upon arrival
- Certificate of good conduct from Interpol, not older than three months
- Kindly note that the Embassy will verify if the provided information and the submitted documents are complete. If your documents are complete, you will receive a confirmation that they have been submitted successfully. In case of missing documents, you will be informed via the online consular service portal.
- Thereafter you will be requested to book an appointment at the Embassy, where your identity will be verified, your original documents checked and your biometric data (fingerprints and photo) registered. Furthermore, you will have to pay the visa fee of 75 Euro payable in UGX.
Please note that the appointment at the Embassy will only be booked through the consular service portal and cannot be booked directly through the usual online appointment allocation system of the embassy.
Important Notes:
Please note that each visa application is reviewed individually. Therefore, the requested documents may vary. The German Embassy reserves the right to ask for additional documents. The submission of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. Applicants may, at any time, be asked for a personal interview. Submission of incomplete documentation or refusal to attend the mandatory visa interview will result in a refusal of your visa application. Once a visa has been issued, the purpose of the trip may not be altered.
The opportunity card (available from 1 June 2024) is a new feature in the German Residence Act allowing eligible people to come to Germany to look for a job. As well as looking for a job, successful applicants can also take part in additional training for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications in Germany.
The opportunity card is issued for a maximum of one year provided you can support yourself for this period. During your time looking for a job in Germany, you can complete work trials or engage in secondary employment for a maximum of 20 hours per week.
You can find out more about the opportunity card (including a self-check) as well as general information on living and working in Germany here: 'Make it in Germany'.
Before applying for an Opportunity Card, interested parties need an official recognition of their professional qualifications. This is done by the responsible authorities in Germany. Information about the procedure can be found here. Interested professionals should initiate this procedure early in advance.
The fee for this visa is the equivalent of 75 Euro. The fee must be paid in cash, in Uganda Shillings upon application.
Please compile all the required documents you need to submit with your online application (see checklist below). Incomplete applications delay the process and can result in your application being rejected. So please try to submit your application in full, that is, with all required documents. The visa section reserves the right to request further documents. Please note that flight reservations are not required to apply for a visa – please only book when you have received your visa.
The application will be submitted online via the consular service portal of the Federal Office.
We kindly ask that no status requests on the visa application be made. We will notify the applicant on any change of status or progress of the application as soon as possible and whenever the need arises.
The following documents are to be submitted in full with every application (original and one copy in A4 format)
- One duly completed Application form “Application for a National Visa” (please ensure that you sign the form and add your phone number)
- Declaration of True and Complete Information in accordance with Section 54(2)8 & 53 Residence Act, signed and dated
- Recent biometric passport photo (3,5 x 4,5 cm) not older than 6 months, bright (white) background
- Valid and personally signed passport with at least two completely empty pages valid for at least another six months
- Two Copies of the data page of your valid passport
- Covering your costs: You can cover your living costs in Germany through a blocked account or a formal declaration of commitment:
- To stay in Germany, each individual applicant must have at their disposal at least 1,091 Euro per month, which for the standard 12-month stay with an opportunity card totals 13,092 Euro. You can prove you have sufficient resources by presenting a so-called blocked account or a declaration of commitment.
- Blocked account: The blocked account can be presented upon notification from the Embassy that the other requirements for the issuance of the visa are fulfilled. However, the documents showing the availability of the required resources (e.g., bank statement) must be presented upon application. The visa will not be issued if the blocked account is not documented within one month of notification). Alternatively, you could open the blocked account in good time before you apply for a visa. In this case, when applying for a visa, only the official confirmation of the opening of the account issued by the bank, including information on the amount paid in and the amount available per month, will be accepted.
- Secondary employment: If you have a concrete opportunity for secondary employment in Germany, you can present an employment contract or a binding job offer detailing the weekly working hours and your monthly wage.
- Declaration of commitment: Proof in the form of a formal declaration of commitment pursuant to Sections 66 and 68 Residence Act to the German foreigners authority in which a third person undertakes to cover all costs (original document + 1 copy)
- Private health insurance (so-called incoming travel insurance) valid in the entire Schengen area for the entire period of validity of the opportunity card, minimum coverage of 30,000 Euro (proof to be provided at the latest when collecting the visa!)
Have you completed German vocational training or a degree from a German university? Or foreign vocational training or a degree from a foreign university which are recognised in Germany? Then you are considered a skilled worker pursuant to Section 18 III Residence Act and you do not need to collect points to get the opportunity card. Please provide proof of your qualification as a skilled worker in the form of:
- Certificate of vocational training in Germany (original document + 1 copy)
- Certificate of degree from a university in Germany (original document + 1 copy)
- Recognition of the equivalence of the foreign vocational qualification from the respective agency responsible for recognition (original document + 1 copy)
- Recognition of equivalence of the foreign university degree (printout from the anabin database for your university degree)
OR (if the qualification is not assessed as “entspricht” (comparable) or “gleichwertig” (equivalent) and/or the institution is not classified as “H+”)
- Statement of comparability by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) (original document + 1 copy)
OR (in the case of regulated professions in which permission is required to exercise the profession, for example, doctors, engineers; complete list is available from the Federal Employment Agency or the European Commission)
- Permission to exercise a profession issued by the authority responsible for recognising qualifications, or assurance of permission to exercise a profession (for example, for medical professions: decision of the licensing authority in the federal territory, i.e. assurance of permission to exercise a profession or issuing of medical licence (original document + 1 copy)
You can find out more about recognition here www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de
If you are not a skilled worker you have to meet and prove the following requirements:
- Foreign vocational training qualification (original document + 1 copy) AS WELL AS
- Certificate (original document + 1 copy) issued by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) regarding your foreign vocational training qualification (state-recognised qualification, duration at least two years) OR
- Notice of partial recognition / Deficit notice for your vocational qualification (original document + 1 copy)
- Foreign university degree certificate (original document + 1 copy) AS WELL AS
- Recognition of (conditional) comparability of the foreign university degree (printout from the anabin database for your university degree and your university)
OR (if the degree is not assessed as “entspricht” (comparable) or “gleichwertig” (equivalent) in the anabin database and/or the institution is not classified as “H+”)
- Statement of comparability by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) (original document + 1 copy)
- Vocational qualification issued by one of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad with the relevant confirmation from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) (original document + 1 copy)
Language skills:
- Certificate (original document + 1 copy) of your knowledge of the German language – at least A1!
- Certificate (original document + 1 copy) of your knowledge of the English language – at least B2! The issuer of the certificate must be certified by the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE); alternatively, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is also accepted.
You can also collect points for the opportunity card (details on the number of points awarded are available on our website and at 'Make it in Germany') by proving the following:
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form indicating professional experience to date
- Proof of your professional experience in the last 5 or 7 years insofar as this is connected to your vocational qualification: employment references, confirmation of employment from your employer, etc. (original documents + 1 copy)
- If you have been legally resident in Germany for an uninterrupted period of at least 6 months in the last 5 years (short stays under the Schengen Agreement do not count!), please prove this by providing suitable documents, for example,
- valid rental contracts
- terms of employment, service contracts, etc.
- passports with visas and entry stamps
- Does your spouse/registered partner also want to apply for an opportunity card – or have they already done so – to then enter Germany together with you? If yes, one of you can collect 1 additional point for the opportunity card. Please enclose proof of the opportunity card application submitted by your spouse/partner.
- Kindly note that the Embassy will verify if the provided information and the submitted documents are complete. If your documents are complete, you will receive a confirmation that they have been submitted successfully. In case of missing documents, you will be informed via the online consular service portal.
- Thereafter you will be requested to book an appointment at the Embassy, where your identity will be verified, your original documents checked and your biometric data (fingerprints and photo) registered. Furthermore, you will have to pay the visa fee of 75 Euro payable in UGX.
Please note that the appointment at the Embassy will only be booked through the consular service portal and cannot be booked directly through the usual online appointment allocation system of the embassy.
General Information:
1. The Blue Card
The Blue Card (EU) is a residence title that can be issued by a member state of the European Union. This card allows third-country nationals with a university or tertiary education degree or IT professional experience to take up gainful employment in an EU member state – provided that the relevant requirements are met.
To apply for the Blue Card (EU) you need:
- a university or other tertiary education degree recognized or comparable in Germany or suitable proof of qualifications in the IT-sector
- a contract of employment in Germany appropriate to your qualifications and
- a minimum annual gross salary of 45,300 euros (2024)
For employment in the fields of mathematics, IT, natural sciences and technology (MINT occupations) as well as human medicine and other health professions, or if the completion of your studies or tertiary education programme was no longer than three years ago, a gross annual salary of at least EUR 41,041.80 (in 2024) is sufficient. In this case, your employment must be approved by the Federal Employment Agency (BA). For employment in the health care sector, you will need a state-approved professional license.
2. Visa to take up employment as a skilled worker with professional training
A skilled worker with a professional qualification that is recognized as equivalent to a qualified German vocational education can apply for a visa to work acc. to § 18a AufenthG. Possible areas of employment with vocational education in Germany are for example in craft business, agriculture, administration, tourism, IT, etc.
3. Visa to take up employment as a an academic
A skilled worker with academic education who has a German university degree, a recognized foreign university degree or a foreign university degree that is comparable to a German university degree can apply for a visa to work acc. to § 18b AufenthG.
Submitting your online application:
The application will be submitted online via the consular service portal of the Federal Office. Kindly fill in your application form and upload the following documents:
- A copy of your passport
- The application form
- A passport photo
- Your birth certificate
- A pre-approval from the competent German employment authority OR pre-approval for the accelerated procedure for skilled workers of the competent foreigners authority OR the declaration form filled and signed by your employer to be found on www.bund.de.
- The Diploma of your highest university or other tertiary education degree (for IT specialists: only if available)
- Certificate of recognition of the competent German state authority (for IT specialists: only if available):
- “KMK ZAB” recognition with confirmation of equivalence to a German university or other tertiary education degree
- OR both Anabin excerpts on equivalency of the university (H+) AND of the degree (equivalent to the German university degree)
- Only for skilled worker with professional training: Certificate of Recognition of the competent German state authority (e.g. hotel and restaurant managemenet – Hotelfachmann: IHK FOSA
- IT specialists: curriculum vitae AND proof of work experience, e.g. job references, certificates of former employment, training certificates, etc
- Employment contract stating your monthly salary and work hours
- Proof of health insurance coverage:
- Certificate of the German statutory health insurance with indicated confirmation of the validity of the health insurance coverage from the day of entry
- OR a certificate from a private health insurance company with indicated confirmation of the validity of the health insurance coverage from the date of entry, if the type and scope of health insurance coverage corresponds to that of a statutory health insurance,
- OR an incoming health insurance for the period between the arrival and start of employment subject to social security contributions, if the type and scope of health insurance coverage corresponds to that of a statutory health insurance.
Kindly note that the Embassy will verify if the provided information and the submitted documents are complete. If your documents are complete you will receive a confirmation that they have been submitted successfully. In case of missing documents, you will be informed via the online consular service portal.
Thereafter you will be requested to book an appointment at the Embassy, where your identity will be verified and your biometric data (fingerprints and photo) registered. Furthermore, you will have to pay the visa fee of 75 Euro payable in UGX. Please note that the appointment at the Embassy will only be booked through the consular service portal and cannot be booked directly through the usual online appointment allocation system of the embassy.
Important notice: In case you want to apply for a work visa that does not fall into the above- mentioned categories, you will have to go through the usual procedure and apply in person at the Embassy. Please see information above.
Important Notes:
Incomplete applications will be decided by the Embassy based on the documents that were submitted, and may be rejected.
To speed up the process, we recommend having your employer apply for a pre-approval from the competent German employment authority Bundesagentur für Arbeit and to submit your visa application together with the pre-approval letter.
Alternatively, your employer in Germany can also submit an application for you in accordance with § 81a AufenthG (accelerated procedure for skilled workers) at the competent foreigners authority and then send you the preliminary approval of the foreigners authority (Fast Track Application).
You can also apply without a pre-approval of German authorities. Approval will then be obtained during the visa process.
The Service Centre for Professional Recognition can assist you in your professional recognition procedure. For further information, please see here. The responsibilities result from the BQFG: e.g. for non-craft trades: IHK (FOSA); for Professions according to Crafts Code: Chamber of Crafts; for agriculture: Chamber of Agriculture; for health service professions: medical-, dental-, veterinary- and pharmacist- chambers; etc.
Foreign documents which neither were issued in Uganda nor in Germany must be legalized or have an apostille.
Documents that are not in German or English language need to be translated.
Please note that the Embassy can request further documents.
Information for visa holders
As soon as the Embassy has decided on your application, you would be contacted by phone or email. You should collect your passport in person. If you are not able to collect it yourself, you can authorise another person to collect it for you. In order to do so, please fill out a power of attorney.
There are various reasons why your visa application may be rejected. The reasons will be stated in the letter notifying you that your application has been rejected.
You are welcome to submit a new application at any time with complete, informative and verifiable documentation.
If all the information on your visa label is correct, you are free to travel. Please check the information on the label as soon as your passport is returned to you. You should let us know immediately if there are any mistakes so that we can issue you a new visa.
Your visa will state your full name and passport number and include your photo. It will also state the number of days you can stay and the period of validity, that is, the time by which you must have received your residence permit for Germany.
Therefore, please do not forget to register at the residents registration office shortly after you arrive in Germany and to make an appointment with the foreigners authority. Your entry visa will allow you to travel within the Schengen area.