Family matters

Family of four, © Colourbox
Are you planning to get married in Uganda or do you want to register the birth of your child? On this page you will find information on these topics and other family matters.
(e.g. acknowledgements of paternity, applications for inheritance certificates)
To a limited extent, notorizations for the German jurisdiction can also be carried out at the embassy if you live in Uganda or South Sudan.
Appointments for notorizations cannot be booked via the online appointment system. Please contact the embassy and briefly explain what type of legal transaction (recognition of paternity, application for inheritance certificate, marriage contract, will, etc.) you seek.
Please note: Not every desired notorizations can be carried out at the embassy.
Acknowledgement of Paternity
If you reside in Uganda, you can acknowlegde paternity for a child in accordance with German law at the German Embassy in Kampala. The requirement for this is that your case has a certain connection to Germany. This is usually the case if one party has German citizenship.
Below you will find information on the notorizations of an acknowledgement of paternity or consent an acknowledgement of paternity.
If your habitual abode is in Uganda, you can acknowledge paterinty in accordance with German law at the German Embassy in Kampala. The requirement for this is that your case has a certain connection to Germany. This is usually the case if one of the parties involved has German citizenship.
If you would like to acknowledge paternity or consent to an acknowledgement of paternity, please send an email with the subject “Acknowledgement of Paternity” with scans of the following documents (in PDF format) in advance to the German Embassy in Kampala using visa@kamp.diplo.de. We will prepare the notorizations and contact you to make an appointment.
Case constellation 1 – German father + Ugandan mother
- Current non-marriage certificate of the child's mother (visit the URSB website)
- Current passport/ID copies of both parents (personal data pages)
- Birth certificate of both parents
- Child’s birth certificate (a verification will be required if it is a Ugandan birth certificate; for more information on verification of ugandan documents click here)
- Details of the place of residence and contact addresses of both parents
Case constellation 2 – Ugandan father + German mother
Note: If an unmarried German mother resides in Uganda, acknowledgement of paternity cannot be certified under German law (Article 19 Para. 1 EGBGB).
- Current passport/ID copies of both parents (personal data pages)
- Child’s birth certificate (a verification will be required if it is a Ugandan birth certificate; for more information on verification of ugandan documents click here)
- Details of the place of residence and contact addresses of both parents
Case constellation 3 – Prenatal recognition of paternity
- Current pregnancy certificate/current medical certificate confirming the pregnancy
- Current passport/ID copies of both parents (personal data pages)
- Birth certificates of both parents
- Details of the place of residence and contact addresses of both parents
- If applicable, non-marriage certificate (only required for Ugandan mothers)
- Note: the acknowledgement of paternity is not possible if the German mother habitually resides in Uganda, see 2.
In individual cases, additional documents may be required, e.g.:
- Certificate of naturalization if one parent acquired German citizenship through naturalization.
- Divorce decree if the child's mother was previously married and this marriage was dissolved through divorce.
- Death certificate of the spouse if a previous marriage was dissolved by death.
According to German law, an acknowledgement of paternity only becomes legally binding once the mother of the child has given her declaration of consent to this acknowledgement. If the presumed father has already acknowledged paternity in front of a German authority and the mother of the child has her main residence in Uganda, her declaration of consent can be notarized at the German Embassy in Kampala.
Verification of Documents
The requirements for the legalization of public documents from Uganda are not met at the moment. Ugandan documents can therefore be checked for authenticity, legal conformity and correctness of content at the discretion of the responsible German authority if they are to be used in the German jurisdiction. If a German authority (also consular and diplomatic missions of the Federal Republic of Germany) considers this necessary, the German authority can then officially request for assistance from the Embassy.
Verification of Ugandan documents is often required when applying for:
- Visa for family reunification (spouse or child)
- German birth certificate (registration in the German birth register of a German child born in Uganda)
- German marriage certificate (registration of a marriage in German marriage register that was concluded in Uganda)
- German passport (for first-time applicants with a Ugandan parent and/or born in Uganda)
Please note that the verification of ugandan documents can take three months or longer. We ask for your understanding to refrain from asking questions regarding the status of the document verification during the first three months. We will inform the applicant if further documents are required during the processing process.
The documents to be submitted are listed below. Please note that only complete applications can be accepted. Each verification of documents is processed individually. Therefore, the documents to be submitted vary and the embassy reserves the right to request additional documents during the processing process.
Please take note of the Information in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) about the necessity of data transfer to third countries.
Fees for document verification
Ugandan documents issued in Kampala | UGX 1.5 million |
Ugandan documents issued outside Kampala | UGX 2 million |
The number of documents submitted is not important for the amount of the fee. If at least one of the documents was issued outside Kampala, the fee of 2 million Uganda shillings applies.
The authorities in Germany can use the official diplomatic courier of the German Foreign Ministry to forward their official request for the examination to the Embassy via
Auswärtiges Amt
für Botschaft Kampala
Kurstr. 36
10117 Berlin
The diplomatic courier is not available for requests or mail to the Embassy from private persons.
Required documents for a verification
Here you will find the lists of the documents required for a verification. The original and a copy are required.
Documents to be submitted (1 original + 1 copy):
- Complety filled-in questionnaire for document verification (see downloads); if necessary including a sketch map
- Valid passport (colour copy of personal data page, page with signature of the issuing authority)
- Long birth certificate
- Marriage certificate or non-marriage certificate (not older than 6 months)
- School certificates, if necessary university degree certificates
- if applicable, wedding photos
- if applicable, divorce certificate
- if applicable, affidavit
Please take note of the Information in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) about the necessity of data transfer to third countries.
Documents to be submitted (1 original + 1 copy):
- Complety filled-in questionnaire for document verification (see downloads); if necessary including a sketch map
- Valid passport (colour copy of personal data page, page with signature of the issuing authority)
- Long birth certificate
- Court order for custody, if applicable: death certificate of the deceased parent
- School certificates
Please take note of the Information in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) about the necessity of data transfer to third countries.
Documents to be submitted (1 original + 1 copy):
- Complety filled-in questionnaire for document verification (see downloads); if necessary including a sketch map
- Valid passport (colour copy of personal data page, page with signature of the issuing authority)
- Long birth certificate of the ugandan parent
- Long birth certificate of the child
Please take note of the Information in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) about the necessity of data transfer to third countries.
Documents to be submitted (1 original + 1 copy):
- Complety filled-in questionnaire for document verification (see downloads); if necessary including a sketch map
- Valid passport (colour copy of personal data page, page with signature of the issuing authority)
- Long birth certificate of the ugandan spouse
- Ugandan marriage certificate
- Wedding photos
Please take note of the Information in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) about the necessity of data transfer to third countries.
Documents to be submitted (1 original + 1 copy):
- Complety filled-in questionnaire for document verification (see downloads); if necessary including a sketch map
- Valid passport (colour copy of personal data page, page with signature of the issuing authority)
- Long birth certificate of the ugandan parent
- Long birth certificate of the child
- if applicable: Marriage certificate of the parents
Please take note of the Information in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) about the necessity of data transfer to third countries.
Although this information has been prepared with utmost care, we cannot accept any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
In this section you will find information about registering a marriage in Germany, name declaration in a marriage and the certificate of no impediment to marry.
If you got married in Uganda, it is advisable to have your marriage registered in Germany as well. Having a German marriage certificate will simplify other processes when you return to Germany.
With effect from January 1, 2009, family registers will no longer be kept in Germany; existing family registers will be continued as marriage entries. Instead, marriage registers are created and maintained at the registry offices.
The following documents are required to apply for marriage registration (1 original + 1 copy):
- Completed and signed application for certification of a foreign marriage in the German marriage register (see downloads; Note: application form is available only in German)
- If necessary, proof of name declaration in the marriage (see downloads; Note: application form is available only in German)
- Ugandan marriage certificate
- Proof of the nationality of both spouses (e.g. passports, certificates of naturalisation if not nationality since birth)
- Birth certificates of both spouses
- If applicable: divorce decree, marriage certificates of previous marriages, death certificates
- If the marriage was not concluded in Germany or Uganda: non-marriage certificate from the respective home country
Important information:
Please also note that documents that are not issued in German, English or French must first be translated by a translator based in Germany.
Verification of Ugandan documents: Requirements for the legalization of public documents from Uganda are not met at the moment. Ugandan documents can therefore be checked for authenticity, legal conformity and correctness of content at the discretion of the responsible German authority if they are to be used in the German jurisdiction. Further information can be found under the keyword verification.
Name declaration: If the application of the registration of your marriage in the German marriage register also includes a name declaration, the application must be signed by both spouses and certified by the diplomatic mission abroad. In this case, both spouses must be present. If you only want to apply for the registration of your marriage in the German marriage register, only one spouse must be present. A public certification is not necessary in this case.
Fees: The diplomatic mission abroad will forward your application to the relevant registry office in Germany. If you still are or were registered in Germany as your place of residence, the respective registry office at your place of residence is responsible for the entry in the marriage register. Otherwise, the registry office I in Berlin is responsible.
If the application needs to be certified by the diplomatic mission abroad, a fee of €79.57 at the current exchange rate of the Embassy Kampala in Uganda shillings will be charged. Fees can only be paid in cash and not by credit card.
Furthermore, the responsible registry office charges a fee for entry in the marriage register and for issuing German marriage certificates. These fees are subject to the applicable state law.
Please also note the information on property law for marriages in the following section.
Find more information on property law for marriages on the website of the Federal Foreign Office.
If you need a certificate of no impediment for a marriage abroad, you must apply for this at your registry office in Germany. If you live in Uganda, you can download the application for a marriage certificate from the downloads below (please note the application form is only available in German) and submit it to the embassy.
To have your signature authenticated, please book an appointment using our online booking system. For the authentification of the application, the embassy charges a fee of EUR 56.43 at the current exchange rate of the Embassy Kampala in Uganda shillings. Fees can only be paid in cash and not by credit card.
You must then forward your application to the relevant registry office in Germany. If you still are or were registered in Germany as you place of residence, the respective registry office at your place of residence is responsible for the entry in the marriage register. Otherwise, the registry office I in Berlin is responsible.
Antrag auf Beurkundung einer Auslandseheschließung PDF / 215 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards / 17.03.2021
Erklärung zur Namensführung in der Ehe (Ehegatten) PDF / 104 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards / 17.03.2021
Erklärung zur Namensführung in der Ehe (einseitig) PDF / 77 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards / 17.03.2021
Antrag auf Ausstellung eines Ehefähigkeitszeugnisses PDF / 179 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards / 17.03.2021
Birth of a child in Uganda
For children of German citizens born in Uganda, it is advisable to apply to record an overseas' birth in a German birth register. At the same time, it is possible to apply for German birth certificates.
For children of German citizens born in Uganda, it is advisable to have the child's birth recorded in the German birth register. If you still are or were registered in Germany as your place of residence, the respective registry office at your residence is responsible for the entry in the marriage register. Otherwise, the registry office I in Berlin is responsible.
Recording the birth of a German child born in Uganda can also be done by the German diplomatic mission abroad. There is generally no deadline for registering a birth in the German birth registry, but it is advisable to register the child as soon as it is born. If the mother and father do not have a common family name at the time of the child's birth, a name declaration is usually required.
The following documents are required to apply for a birth certificate (1 original + 2 copies):
- Completed application form to record an oversee's birth abroad in the German Birth Register (see downloads; Note: application form is available only in German)
- Long birth certificate of the child
- Parents' birth certificates
- Proof of the parents' nationality (passport/citizenship card)
- if applicable, the child’s passport
- if applicable, marriage certificate of the parents
- if applicable, divorce decree from one parent
- if applicable, death certificate of one parent
- if applicable, acknowledgement of paternity
- if applicable, custody decision
- if applicable, name declaration (see downloads; Note: application form is available only in German)
- if applicable, certificate of citizenship
In individual cases, additional documents may also be required.
Important information:
Please also note that documents that are not issued in German, English or French must first be translated by a translator based in Germany.
Verification of Ugandan documents: Requirements for the legalization of public documents from Uganda are not met at the moment. Ugandan documents can therefore be checked for authenticity, legal conformity and correctness of content at the discretion of the responsible German authority if they are to be used in the German jurisdiction. Further information can be found under the keyword verification.
Name declaration: If your application includes a name declaration or you also want to apply for a passport at the same time, both parents must be present. Otherwise only one parent must be present. A public certification is not necessary in this case. The name declaration requires certification from the foreign mission however.
Fees: The amount of fees to be paid (including for the issuance of respective documents) depends on the regulation of the respective federal states and can usually be found on the homepage of the responsible registry office. The current fees in the state of Berlin can be found on the website of the registry office I in Berlin using the following link.
The fees will be requested separately. Please wait for the payment request and do not make an advance payment of the fee.
For the certification of the photocopies of the documents €24.37 at the current exchange rate of the Embassy Kampala in Uganda shillings will be charged.
If the application includes a name declaration which needs to be certified by the German embassy, a fee of €79.57 at the current exchange rate of the Embassy Kampala in Uganda shillings will be charged. Fees can only be paid in cash and not by credit card.
Please note that the processing time at the registry office I in Berlin can be up to 2 years.
If born abroad, a child whose German parents were also born abroad after December 31, 1999, does not always automatically acquire German citizenship at birth.
Antrag zur Beurkundung einer Auslandsgeburt PDF / 188 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards / 17.03.2021
Erklärung zur Namensführung Geburt / Application Name Declaration Birth PDF / 149 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards / 17.03.2021
Erklärung zur Namensführung eines volljährigen Kindes / Application Name Declaration of a child of 18 years and above PDF / 78 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards / 17.03.2021
Translation Help - Record an Oversees' Birth in the German Birth Register (no application form) PDF / 324 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards / 16.04.2024
Recognition of foreign decisions in matrimonial matters (foreign divorces)
A divorce that was finalized abroad is not automatically effective under German law. You will find information on the subject of “divorce concluded abroad” on the Federal Foreign Office website.
You can also find more helpful information about this on the website of the Senate Department for Justice of the State of Berlin.
Please also note the information on property rights for marriages from January 29, 2019.