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The Embassy
Ambassador, Matthias Schauer
Relationships are what matter most in life. Germany and Uganda have developed a very solid relationship and even friendship. Germany wants Uganda’s success!
Ambassador, Matthias Schauer
Opening Hours & Contact Details of the German Embassy Kampala
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, P.O. Box 7016, Kampala, Uganda.
Administrative / consular district
Uganda. The Embassy supports the Embassy of Juba Botschaft Dschuba (South Sudan) in legal and consular affairs.
Opening hours
Working Hours
Monday to Thursday: 07.30am – 04.00pm Friday: 07.30am – 01.00pm
Visiting Hours of the Visa and Consular Section
Monday to Friday: 08.00 - 11.00am
Please note that for most of our consular services you are required to book an appointment beforehand. You can find out whether you require an appointment or not by checking the specific descriptions in the service section. The visiting hours of the Visa and Consular Section are reserved for the following services/cases only:
- Germans who require immediate assistance by the Embassy, for example if they lost their passport or their passport was stolen
- Life certificates for pensioners (Lebensbescheinigung)
- Certification of copies for study purposes
- If the Embassy expressly asked applicants to come by the Visa and Consular Section during the visiting hours
Attention: Contact via satellite telephone or fax (Satcom) might incur higher costs.
Note on barrier-free access
The visitor entrance to the visa section is accessible, but the remaining rooms of the embassy are only partially accessible. All security doors in the building cannot be openen and closed automatically, the upper floor can only be reached via stairs. There are no accessible toilets for people with disabilities in the embassy building. The embassy supports citizens with disabilities and endeavors to make it easier for them to access the employees within the possibilities of the embassy's structural conditions. If you have any questions about accessibility or if you need any assistance, please contact us.