Launch of the “Civil Society in Uganda Support Programme (CUSP)”, 31st May 2018

CUSP Lauch, © GIZ Uganda
The European Union Delegation to the Republic of Uganda (EUD), in collaboration with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, have made available, grant financing to the tune of Euro 26.9 million (UGX 118 billion) to support Ugandan civil society organisations.
The new programme, launched officially in Kampala on 31 May is titled, the “Civil Society in Uganda Support Programme” (CUSP). CUSP will be implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) in Uganda.
CUSP is jointly funded by the European Union (Euro 25 million) and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development-BMZ (Euro 1.9 million). It has a strong focus on technical assistance and capacity development both of CSOs and relevant state institutions. The aim is to building a conducive environment for State-CSOs' dialogue and improving framework conditions for civil society participation in the development of Uganda. CUSP complements other efforts of the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and other Development Partners in supporting the Ugandan civil society with technical and financial assistance.
The programme will target CSOs operating in a wide range of sectors, such as Infrastructure, including transport, water, and energy; Green Economy; Rural Development, and Good Governance. These are the focal sectors of respective development cooperation frameworks of the European Union and Germany with Uganda.
CUSP will be implemented nationwide by GIZ within the dedicated Strengthening Governance and Civil Society Programme (GCSP). The establishment of regional hubs, including in Kampala, Gulu and Mbale, will facilitate the implementation all over the country. The regional hubs in Gulu and Mbale will be officially opened soon.
“The EU believes in the strong role CSOs play for any country's development. The CUSP programme will leverage CSOs' contributions and their complementarity to Government and Private Sector led interventions towards the objective of ‘contributing to reduced poverty through better governance,” said European Union Ambassador to Uganda, H.E Attilio Pacifici.
The EU Ambassador led the launch of the programme in Kampala, at Sheraton Kampala, alongside the Chairperson of the National Planning Authority, Dr. Wilberforce Kisamba Mugerwa, the Chargé d’Affaires of the German Embassy, Ms. Petra Kochendörfer, the Country Director of GIZ Uganda, Mr. Christian Schnurre, and a Member of the Board of the NGO Bureau Mrs. Margaret Sekaggya. The large audience was composed of representatives of government ministries, civil society, the media and other invited guests.
“CUSP’s definition of civil society includes all actors that are non-state and non-profit”, emphasised Ms. Petra Kochendörfer. “Hence, the programme will address a wide range of civil society actors in the fields of infrastructure, agriculture and governance”, she added.
Author: Press and information team of the Delegation to UGANDA